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My Vegtastic Lunch

23 Sep

I am a lady of my word.  In keeping with my promise of eating more veggies, I decided to order lunch from No Problemo, the best place ever!!!!!!!!!!!!  Did you just see all those exclamation points?  That’s how much I mean that statement. =)

I ordered a Spinach Salad which consists of black beans, spinach, roasted red peppers and tons of fresh salsa.  I added a little freshly mad guacamole and a small drizzle of lime cilantro dressing.  It was a very happy, filling Friday lunch.

I also had a nectarine at my desk.  It was screaming my name and I just had to have it. =)

This evening, I am attempting to make a vegan ice cream cake….  Not just a plan ice cream cake…  I want to make this like the Carvel Ice Cream Cake with the little chocolate jimmies on the inside.  It is for a birthday party and this must be a successful mission!  I am just not so sure about the frosting.

A Vow For More Veggies

23 Sep

Yesterday, I was reading a segment in my yoga journal by Kris Carr, a woman diagnosed with terminal cancer about 10 years ago.  The doctor’s told her that her tumors were inoperable and there was nothing they could do for her.  Carr wouldn’t accept her death sentence and she worked with natural doctors to find a plan that would help her.  Together, they came up with a system of eating foods that naturally balance the pH level in the body and her cancer has not grown in years.  Isn’t that amazing?

If you are interested in her approach and her story read Crazy Sexy Diet.  Granted her eating routine is hardcore, but they told her she had terminal cancer!  I think everyone can take away a few things from this book.  Everyone can benefit from eating more fruits and veggies.  Why not give it a looksie!!!

Not too mention…  maybe you have loved one with cancer.  I think anything is worth a shot.  I really am a firm believer that food can be used as medicine and you should try your hardest to put the best substances into your body for nourishment.  Love your body the way you would love your child.  People have a tendency to take of other people more than themselves.  It is time to think about you!

This morning I had an egg white omlet with fresh salsa and RF cheddar cheese.  I also had a sprouted grain english muffin with a little bit of raspberry jelly.